TJ Morris ACIR
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Fire, Arson, Fraud, Subrogation, 1978-
ACIR, 1968-1985, Private & Legal Investigator,1979-1985 U.S. Military service 1985-1993, GS PI Contractor, Personnel Information Security 1987-
JB CORP CEO 1989-1994, OTR CDL 1995-2002 Freelance Writer 2000-present
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Saturday, October 25, 2008
तज ठुर्मोंद मौरिस BIO,,
TJ Morris ACIR
Freelance Writer
Business Information Consultant
ACIR Investigative Reporter
Intel Security Analysis Consultant
Assured Confidential Investigative Reports -International Relations
Global Consciousness Science
American Culture Inter government issues
Psychic Intuitive Science Consultant
Field Research Investigative Analyst
Fire, Arson, Fraud, Subrogation, 1978-
ACIR, 1968-1985, Private & Legal Investigator,1979-1985 U.S. Military service 1985-1993, GS PI Contractor, Personnel Information Security 1987-
JB CORP CEO 1989-1994, OTR CDL 1995-2002 Freelance Writer 2000-present
American Culture International Relations
Entrepreneur, world traveler, paranormal investigator, intuitive science, copywriter, contractor,
Syndicated Columnist 2007.
Website Publisher, Editor,,
TJ Morris ACIR
Freelance Writer
Business Information Consultant
ACIR Investigative Reporter
Intel Security Analysis Consultant
Assured Confidential Investigative Reports -International Relations
Global Consciousness Science
American Culture Inter government issues
Psychic Intuitive Science Consultant
Field Research Investigative Analyst
Fire, Arson, Fraud, Subrogation, 1978-
ACIR, 1968-1985, Private & Legal Investigator,1979-1985 U.S. Military service 1985-1993, GS PI Contractor, Personnel Information Security 1987-
JB CORP CEO 1989-1994, OTR CDL 1995-2002 Freelance Writer 2000-present
American Culture International Relations
Entrepreneur, world traveler, paranormal investigator, intuitive science, copywriter, contractor,
Syndicated Columnist 2007.
Website Publisher, Editor,,
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Print Article Theresa J. Thurmond Morris November 30, 1999 Stranger than fiction we are changing as we accept our destiny. (Here´s your answer Blossom Goodchild) We can all experience what I experienced. The future is about something wonderful happening and living to tell about it to others on earth."You are dealing with the paranormal and we don´t do that at this hospital," said, Tabitha, an RN. "You spent too much time at AREA 51." Said, Dr. Michael.I spent October 14, 2008 in the hospital. One day only after being abducted again. This time, I had no memory of how I got to the hospital but, I do remember being taken into the light and the person in gold. When mixing an ET UFO experience with that of GOD and Taken up in a white light and seeing a golden image is paranormal. The experience was meant to be paranormal in nature and death and out of body all in one.I never liked the word abducted and believed I was a Contactee. Sometimes, I have full memory and sometimes I do not. This time I do not have the in physical body details but, I do have a strong memory of what happened when I was with God. I was taken as in the television show "TAKEN." I can tell you that I have had many experiences and just when I was getting comfortable that I would not have any more in this lifetime, I left my body. I say, "I saw the light, again. No one will believe me so I might as well share all the memories that will take a lot of writing. These topics we think are separate in the Bible are not. The stories are all true and Jesus was taken as in Ascension. Now, I have confirmation of what the work and word Ascension really means.I spoke with God and a beautiful lady again!" What happens to all of us before we were born on earth is not a common topic of conversation. I know I can do anything I set my mind and spirit too on earth. The Being in gold was God and Goddess. They are us. It is hard to explain. I am not sure how the prophets shared their stories but it is not easy to write one's thoughts and experiences on paper. Maybe these are simply stories and my own perceptions to many who did not experience what I did. This is okay for me and I do hope that others will experience what I have. It was glorious and I am amazed to say the least. I was in utter amazement and my mind is altered and changed with so much knowledge I do not know where to begin. This is a blessing of kindness from God. I spoke with the lady in charge of the High Council and I spoke with Gus, the artificial intelligence creation on the UFO that was left in Roswell. I simply needed to be reminded of who I am on earth and I needed an update on my mission. There is more, lots more but, it will have to wait. I am not sure anyone will care or believe me this time. But, I know what happened and that is my experience. It's paranormal. We are all paranormal and trans gender in our minds. I learned much about those who look human as Nordics, and why the Grays gave up their human appearance to pursue technology. I was taught so much and I could not deal with the truth before today. I am changed and for the better. I am more aware and know I am okay and fine on earth. There are so many EBEs who are far more advanced than our species on earth.I wanted to ask about other races on earth before we were seeded as white skins on earth. I now know there were people on this planet prior to those who built the pyramids. There were no burial chambers found in the three pyramids of Giza and for good reason. The three that are famous near the Sphynx were the ones built with the guidance of the extra terrestrials or God as we call these intelligent beings. The stories of Abraham, Cain, and Abel all come from the same old stories as those that later followed by Mohamed. I learned that Mohamed and the black asteroid stone comes much later in history than our ancestors seeding this planet. The black stone is simply a part of a black stone from space. But, if one thinks about all the religions on earth, they are all based on God, or a higher power, a Divine Guide from the sky or Heaven. The people that were here prior to the ETs seeding earth may have come from evolution and the water. There may be more answers than what we suppose in science.Why all the fighting about the details? There are male and female above who can share their knowledge with whom they choose. Science and Spiritual Intellectual knowledge can work together as can all religions and cultures and traditions of faith. They are simply acting out their forefathers beliefs based on their geographical location and choices performed through time as traditions and cultures. I was told we are all part of the same creation and were seeded here by God and Goddess and they are extra terrestrials who work to guide and guard all galaxies.Others can contradict me and that is fine with me but, I got the "WORD" from a Higher Source and I totally believe that God has a co-creator in Heaven the same as we do on earth. Why not? We are created the same as those in Heaven which is taught by most all religions created on earth. Science is good and can be proven. The creator God is like the manifestation of the God particle in both dark matter and light matter with all knowledge as one. The fact that I had a paranormal experience and that their is mental life after death for me means that there is immortal life for all after death on earth.
There are changes occurring and the world must now be a global community. The message is that we are from space and are to share this planet as one species. The lady in charge gave me information and it was Gus who guided me back to earth after seeing the white light and soaring out of my body and back again. Gus the space ship or flying saucer brought me back to earth. It's rather complicated for those who have not experienced the paranormal or alternate universes. One might say there are other dimensions that we simply all do not understand. There will be changes occurring in science and education. I hope to be a futurist writer and a part of the changes coming to earth prior to Dec. 21, 2012. 2013 will be a fun year for all of us who believe in the paranormal realm of existence. Although, I personally believe in EBEs and UFOs, I speak from experience and do not expect others to believe as I do.I know this was divine guidance to our creators we call Gods and Goddesses. I also know that I was called by "God" and that I was not possessed by a demon spirit as on the television show "Angel." I actually left my body as in the movie "Ghost." There really is life after death or consciousness outside of the physical body and earth realm of consciousness. I saw another universe forming and another galaxy of stars. I want to write my experience in detail and will have a follow up story for those interested in paranormal and life after death. This is called a Near Death Experience I am told since I go 60/40 and up to 159/93. I go all over the place after an Abduction and my temperature drops from 98.6 to 96/3 or about. My pulse was 130 over 100 and I was light headed and phasing in and out of consciousness. I told the doctor and nurses I left my body and had an Out of Body experience and they had no comment.The doctor said he knew everything about me. He said he read my file but did not say which file. He also told me he was cleared with Interpol. He was speaking the truth about Area 51 and didn't know it. If he did then he was also telling the truth about being with Grumman and having a Tops Secret (TS) clearance to see me. He told me some things that I am not at liberty to share with the general public but some things he told me he was not authorized to tell. He did tell me I was back and that he knows of my experience and Montauk Point on Long Island, New York and White Sands, New Mexico. I really need to work on reverse engineering for this planet's contractors but which one has the real project I am not sure of at this point.In the past, 1958 I had an Out of Body at age 8 years old and they called in the catholic nuns and priests. The second time, 1974, no priests were called but I stayed in ICU and had a placenta prevea and spent days in ICU with my heart stopping and starting over and over again. My mother would scream each time my heart monitor would stop. I spent 21 days in and out of consciousness that time. I can tell others that one´s hearing is very much "On" while unconscious though we may not remember everything, we know when people are talking. This was my third time and I hope final, in 2008. Next time, I want to go or leave on Gus my personal UFO with Tom, my colleague and spouse who has the ability to fly a UFO the same as I do.For those who follow life and stories in History, I am told that I share the memories and past lives with Sothis and Tara. That is all I can share about my past lives.I began the Ascension Center in Hawaii, the UFO Association, the Roswell Connection, Ascension Beings, and EBEs. I am the founder of the Ace Folklife Nonprofit, Inc. and I own a small business called American Culture International Relations and ACIR.I was told after a battery of various tests that I was okay. I was sent home on October 15, 2008. I saw many doctors and will protect their privacy by not including them in this article. I have many follow ups and know that these doctors will probably not write papers for research based on my experiences.My neurologist doctor was Hindi Thank God. I asked him if he was Hindi and he said, "How do you know so much about me." I then asked him, "Do you believe in past lives?" He exclaimed, "Of course I do." That made me feel better. Here are the tests that were given to me and the order in which they were given.IV and Six vials of blood with a follow up of five, total 11Chest X-rayCat ScanUltra Sound - Carotid Arteries both left and right in NeckMRI - BrainEEGPsychiatric EvaluationI saw two emergency room doctors. I then saw two specialist, one a neurologist, and one from the heart institute. My truth is from my personal experiences and I share that others may desire to research the paranormal and the future of science and technology with Quantum Physics.Be advised that there is more to life than what is presently seen and understood. There is a new world coming and not everyone will want to stay or go.
PARANORMAL ET UFO contact on communication, creation, and crop circles are tools of our awareness. Taboo are the darker fringes of society that deal with spirits yet, most cultures, religions, and traditions have these areas. Halloween and witches create fear of the unknown or do they? Are cultural traditions activating taboos or innovative science?
We can focus on existence for our family, culture, world, and ourselves. We are here to learn and explore life on earth. Trust and fear are as opposite as cause and effect.
As our basic growth, requirements are met, i.e. food, clothing, shelter, contact, we can search for deeper meaning in knowledge and wisdom. Spiritual Intellectuals and Science are no longer at odds.
Trust in science and fear of the unknown are two sides of the same coin. The secrets that were kept for the prophets and visionaries are being found. This is a time of revealing and the generation gaps are closing globally. Science need not be in fear of religion but should embrace it for the cultures, societies, and traditions created on earth. We learn from our adaptability and mistakes. Anthropology ,Archeology, Astrophysics, History and Science are as important as Computers, technology, and math as algorithms. Quantum Physics is now the cutting edge with the God Particle and the Large Hadron Collider. We are all important. We are all part of the one of this world, galaxy, and universe.
Anyone human will fight for survival. Communication is sometimes not an option when we are alone. Male and female are up for the task of existing on earth. Living is usually preferred over death. It is time to complete the full circle of understanding once again.
Therefore, priorities were sorted for us before we came to earth. First was the right to life. The second was the will to survive. The third is choice to live and find one's back to the creators. Evidence comes in time to each living spiritual soul. Some receive guidance and wisdom and some must work for knowledge. Part of the spiritual growth in life is considered suffering among some religions. Those thoughts are manmade. We are spirits.
There is so much to understand about truth of life on earth. Being human and grasping what is beyond human understanding is always a part of our reality. There are many who are here to guide us while here on earth. We must search and research for there is more to life always than is being revealed. We all must look for what we cannot see or feel with out six senses. If there are those who live in large concrete cities, take the time to visit the woods, and watch butterflies and birds.
As an extraterrestrial unidentified flying object contactee, I recently had another death and returning experience where physical and mental bodies are concerned on earth. Some call this NDE and others OBE. Regardless, I had to learn about being alien hybrid. I think and have become aware of creation. Now, I am better about what others call the future, I am a visionary.
I am better and have a greater respect for all creatures and intelligent beings on earth, including spirits that have lost their way into the light, the tunnel, and their way thru the maze back to the creators. The God particle has both dark and light matter. We avoid the black holes but use the wormholes for travel in space.
The meaning of science and religion are only tools the same as all other subjects in the academic world of education.
Discovering through creation while all matter is formed, and grouped into various forms is part of life and death. Some spirits have not found their way to the light because they are lost. They choose to hover around what is known on earth after physical death has occurred. Energy inside all of us never ceases to exist.
Assistance for all both military and civilian of earth’s total population of the present 6.5 billion and rising is required. We shall assist by offering our energy without interfering with the younger total population of earth. We will deal with those who offer their services based on their military training and their communication training. We will ask librarians to be directors of online information for those wanting to search the Internet. We have decided to use some basic earth ways of creating, thinking, and doing.
People on earth who are considered my contacts and my readers and peers are those who are already in tune to being ascension beings. These include those who desire to work in the future Ascension Center Space Port. A spaceport as the Ascension Center is the controversy it would cause among the government and media. This would stir energy and create a need for explanation before it was time.
Military and civilian alike are tuning into our ET UFO Goodwill Ambassadors. Those who are accustomed to working in the program of the mind only know one way to think and this is called linear. We are here to assist. We are aware of the Large Hadron Collider and are going to continue assisting and observing. We choose to not interfere and are simply observing and at times communicating.
Those born after the earth year 1947 were incorporated into a new program for contact. For those who have followed their lifetime energy and focus on flying saucers and nuclear power, these beings will be more perplexed as to why they did not see the whole picture as it progressed. Some believe they are channeling information but they have their own mental filters. This is not the only way that our ET UFO friends think. They organize thoughts communicate and write the way we do on earth in some ways but in others, they are not emotional. They have worked for thousands of years to train their beings to not focus on emotions. This does not exclude the intellectual and spiritual portions of the sentient intelligent beings. They can reach their feelings but choose not too. The ones who are the leaders can explain that later.
To those colleagues of mine on earth who consider themselves in line with extra terrestrial ways of thinking pardon my dry order of forming thoughts and paragraphs with the simple gray matter and the way that the typical ordinary human minds work.
To those who are just now joining me in my communication of ET UFO information on the many levels that are required on earth and to those who have created their own following of people who desire to know and understand the future, be patient.
While desiring to assist in the overall goodwill awareness on earth of the extraterrestrials, and unidentified flying objects, which are simply spacecraft, we are also asserting ideas of creation with those of crop circles to infuse a form of creation and connection among all beings on earth.
Symbols have been a way to relate in pictographs. Contacts were chosen to spread the word. There are others more intelligent, come, and go in ET UFO flying saucers or spacecrafts. We do not understand why this simple procedure of connection is so hard for some on earth to grasp in this time on earth. This is simply a cultural art form that has been used in the past on earth. For awareness and awakening the human spirit.
Thought time in the past, many oral traditions were forgotten until there were crop circle symbols sent after the "hunters and gatherers" were divided under Abraham. This we have learned is still part of an internal strife caused in the world.
Because we choose physical or mental force, we simply check in with our chosen beings. We from time to time give a small nudge of influence in a positive direction. We allow freewill to superimpose our suggestions. We offer suggestions during the sleep portion of life on earth. There are parallel worlds and other dimensions to be explored.
This is sometimes played out in the dream portion of ones thought process while on earth. This can be found in symbols and in words used in prior history of earths tribes on earth. At present there are many whom human beings on earth of many faiths and religions create. Some of these have been misguided through time on earth.
Now is a time of revealing and the purpose is to shed as much light on this topic of communication and awareness as can be performed in one life time on earth. This time, we will hope that the man and woman we have chosen will learn to exist with the understanding that the military defense of the planet is required as well as the civilian communication of awareness is required in order to survive the future together as one.
This should be obvious with the two chosen sides of the brain one male and one female. All humans are created the same with 2 sides of existence 1 part man and 1 part woman in symbols this is displayed as 50% male and 50% female creation matter We are all paranormal and transgender or asexual in chemical energy, space, and mind. We experience much as cause and affect, and activity on earth while alive. The five levels are alpha, beta, theta, gamma, and delta in the human existence.
We have so much to explore and to capture in our own personal memories to take with us when we lave earth at some point as spirits. Personal experiences will be reviewed after leaving earth.
Concentrate on healing the separations of all beings on earth while creating a future in space. There is knowledge in the future in the form of wormhole travel to other galaxies. Remember we have guides and guardians above who have allowed us our freedom of will and freedom to choose in our own minds. Nothing or no one can take away our freedom of our mental body from our mind.
Even when in bondage in prison, there is no reason to panic or live in fear. Conquer the mind that is part of the mental body housed in the physical body while on earth. Enlightenment comes from within the spirit of compassion and wisdom.
We are alive on earth to learn from our experiences and to gather our experiences to create memories to use in our next lives back either on earth or in space. Many mansions hath our creators in Heaven and space. Stretch your mind around that which has been not proved in the past. Each of us is required to have sensations and is exposed to others who are like us.
Do the right thing and discover your part while here on earth. There have been evil beings who were misguided souls while here on earth. They will return for the lessons not learned in this lifetime. There are many things that are seemingly mystical, and magical. There is a reason for this practice of the human mind.
Other worlds will vary the lessons not learned on earth. The creators will simply return many to earth. Some believe in religions and they are all one part of the whole.
We all manifest light and dark or some call this good and evil. Regardless, there is a dichotomy and we must all do out part to create the best in compassion and wisdom while here on earth. We are here to be a part of the best and the creation for the future of all human intelligent beings who visit this planet. Those who do not participate in the creation and manifestation process for good will is dealt with in a way that most will not want to endure after leaving earth. This requires change after watching our life played our before our eyes while on earth. Then there is a consensus taken by higher intelligent beings.
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Print Article Theresa J. Thurmond Morris November 30, 1999 Stranger than fiction we are changing as we accept our destiny. (Here´s your answer Blossom Goodchild) We can all experience what I experienced. The future is about something wonderful happening and living to tell about it to others on earth."You are dealing with the paranormal and we don´t do that at this hospital," said, Tabitha, an RN. "You spent too much time at AREA 51." Said, Dr. Michael.I spent October 14, 2008 in the hospital. One day only after being abducted again. This time, I had no memory of how I got to the hospital but, I do remember being taken into the light and the person in gold. When mixing an ET UFO experience with that of GOD and Taken up in a white light and seeing a golden image is paranormal. The experience was meant to be paranormal in nature and death and out of body all in one.I never liked the word abducted and believed I was a Contactee. Sometimes, I have full memory and sometimes I do not. This time I do not have the in physical body details but, I do have a strong memory of what happened when I was with God. I was taken as in the television show "TAKEN." I can tell you that I have had many experiences and just when I was getting comfortable that I would not have any more in this lifetime, I left my body. I say, "I saw the light, again. No one will believe me so I might as well share all the memories that will take a lot of writing. These topics we think are separate in the Bible are not. The stories are all true and Jesus was taken as in Ascension. Now, I have confirmation of what the work and word Ascension really means.I spoke with God and a beautiful lady again!" What happens to all of us before we were born on earth is not a common topic of conversation. I know I can do anything I set my mind and spirit too on earth. The Being in gold was God and Goddess. They are us. It is hard to explain. I am not sure how the prophets shared their stories but it is not easy to write one's thoughts and experiences on paper. Maybe these are simply stories and my own perceptions to many who did not experience what I did. This is okay for me and I do hope that others will experience what I have. It was glorious and I am amazed to say the least. I was in utter amazement and my mind is altered and changed with so much knowledge I do not know where to begin. This is a blessing of kindness from God. I spoke with the lady in charge of the High Council and I spoke with Gus, the artificial intelligence creation on the UFO that was left in Roswell. I simply needed to be reminded of who I am on earth and I needed an update on my mission. There is more, lots more but, it will have to wait. I am not sure anyone will care or believe me this time. But, I know what happened and that is my experience. It's paranormal. We are all paranormal and trans gender in our minds. I learned much about those who look human as Nordics, and why the Grays gave up their human appearance to pursue technology. I was taught so much and I could not deal with the truth before today. I am changed and for the better. I am more aware and know I am okay and fine on earth. There are so many EBEs who are far more advanced than our species on earth.I wanted to ask about other races on earth before we were seeded as white skins on earth. I now know there were people on this planet prior to those who built the pyramids. There were no burial chambers found in the three pyramids of Giza and for good reason. The three that are famous near the Sphynx were the ones built with the guidance of the extra terrestrials or God as we call these intelligent beings. The stories of Abraham, Cain, and Abel all come from the same old stories as those that later followed by Mohamed. I learned that Mohamed and the black asteroid stone comes much later in history than our ancestors seeding this planet. The black stone is simply a part of a black stone from space. But, if one thinks about all the religions on earth, they are all based on God, or a higher power, a Divine Guide from the sky or Heaven. The people that were here prior to the ETs seeding earth may have come from evolution and the water. There may be more answers than what we suppose in science.Why all the fighting about the details? There are male and female above who can share their knowledge with whom they choose. Science and Spiritual Intellectual knowledge can work together as can all religions and cultures and traditions of faith. They are simply acting out their forefathers beliefs based on their geographical location and choices performed through time as traditions and cultures. I was told we are all part of the same creation and were seeded here by God and Goddess and they are extra terrestrials who work to guide and guard all galaxies.Others can contradict me and that is fine with me but, I got the "WORD" from a Higher Source and I totally believe that God has a co-creator in Heaven the same as we do on earth. Why not? We are created the same as those in Heaven which is taught by most all religions created on earth. Science is good and can be proven. The creator God is like the manifestation of the God particle in both dark matter and light matter with all knowledge as one. The fact that I had a paranormal experience and that their is mental life after death for me means that there is immortal life for all after death on earth.
There are changes occurring and the world must now be a global community. The message is that we are from space and are to share this planet as one species. The lady in charge gave me information and it was Gus who guided me back to earth after seeing the white light and soaring out of my body and back again. Gus the space ship or flying saucer brought me back to earth. It's rather complicated for those who have not experienced the paranormal or alternate universes. One might say there are other dimensions that we simply all do not understand. There will be changes occurring in science and education. I hope to be a futurist writer and a part of the changes coming to earth prior to Dec. 21, 2012. 2013 will be a fun year for all of us who believe in the paranormal realm of existence. Although, I personally believe in EBEs and UFOs, I speak from experience and do not expect others to believe as I do.I know this was divine guidance to our creators we call Gods and Goddesses. I also know that I was called by "God" and that I was not possessed by a demon spirit as on the television show "Angel." I actually left my body as in the movie "Ghost." There really is life after death or consciousness outside of the physical body and earth realm of consciousness. I saw another universe forming and another galaxy of stars. I want to write my experience in detail and will have a follow up story for those interested in paranormal and life after death. This is called a Near Death Experience I am told since I go 60/40 and up to 159/93. I go all over the place after an Abduction and my temperature drops from 98.6 to 96/3 or about. My pulse was 130 over 100 and I was light headed and phasing in and out of consciousness. I told the doctor and nurses I left my body and had an Out of Body experience and they had no comment.The doctor said he knew everything about me. He said he read my file but did not say which file. He also told me he was cleared with Interpol. He was speaking the truth about Area 51 and didn't know it. If he did then he was also telling the truth about being with Grumman and having a Tops Secret (TS) clearance to see me. He told me some things that I am not at liberty to share with the general public but some things he told me he was not authorized to tell. He did tell me I was back and that he knows of my experience and Montauk Point on Long Island, New York and White Sands, New Mexico. I really need to work on reverse engineering for this planet's contractors but which one has the real project I am not sure of at this point.In the past, 1958 I had an Out of Body at age 8 years old and they called in the catholic nuns and priests. The second time, 1974, no priests were called but I stayed in ICU and had a placenta prevea and spent days in ICU with my heart stopping and starting over and over again. My mother would scream each time my heart monitor would stop. I spent 21 days in and out of consciousness that time. I can tell others that one´s hearing is very much "On" while unconscious though we may not remember everything, we know when people are talking. This was my third time and I hope final, in 2008. Next time, I want to go or leave on Gus my personal UFO with Tom, my colleague and spouse who has the ability to fly a UFO the same as I do.For those who follow life and stories in History, I am told that I share the memories and past lives with Sothis and Tara. That is all I can share about my past lives.I began the Ascension Center in Hawaii, the UFO Association, the Roswell Connection, Ascension Beings, and EBEs. I am the founder of the Ace Folklife Nonprofit, Inc. and I own a small business called American Culture International Relations and ACIR.I was told after a battery of various tests that I was okay. I was sent home on October 15, 2008. I saw many doctors and will protect their privacy by not including them in this article. I have many follow ups and know that these doctors will probably not write papers for research based on my experiences.My neurologist doctor was Hindi Thank God. I asked him if he was Hindi and he said, "How do you know so much about me." I then asked him, "Do you believe in past lives?" He exclaimed, "Of course I do." That made me feel better. Here are the tests that were given to me and the order in which they were given.IV and Six vials of blood with a follow up of five, total 11Chest X-rayCat ScanUltra Sound - Carotid Arteries both left and right in NeckMRI - BrainEEGPsychiatric EvaluationI saw two emergency room doctors. I then saw two specialist, one a neurologist, and one from the heart institute. My truth is from my personal experiences and I share that others may desire to research the paranormal and the future of science and technology with Quantum Physics.Be advised that there is more to life than what is presently seen and understood. There is a new world coming and not everyone will want to stay or go.
PARANORMAL ET UFO contact on communication, creation, and crop circles are tools of our awareness. Taboo are the darker fringes of society that deal with spirits yet, most cultures, religions, and traditions have these areas. Halloween and witches create fear of the unknown or do they? Are cultural traditions activating taboos or innovative science?
We can focus on existence for our family, culture, world, and ourselves. We are here to learn and explore life on earth. Trust and fear are as opposite as cause and effect.
As our basic growth, requirements are met, i.e. food, clothing, shelter, contact, we can search for deeper meaning in knowledge and wisdom. Spiritual Intellectuals and Science are no longer at odds.
Trust in science and fear of the unknown are two sides of the same coin. The secrets that were kept for the prophets and visionaries are being found. This is a time of revealing and the generation gaps are closing globally. Science need not be in fear of religion but should embrace it for the cultures, societies, and traditions created on earth. We learn from our adaptability and mistakes. Anthropology ,Archeology, Astrophysics, History and Science are as important as Computers, technology, and math as algorithms. Quantum Physics is now the cutting edge with the God Particle and the Large Hadron Collider. We are all important. We are all part of the one of this world, galaxy, and universe.
Anyone human will fight for survival. Communication is sometimes not an option when we are alone. Male and female are up for the task of existing on earth. Living is usually preferred over death. It is time to complete the full circle of understanding once again.
Therefore, priorities were sorted for us before we came to earth. First was the right to life. The second was the will to survive. The third is choice to live and find one's back to the creators. Evidence comes in time to each living spiritual soul. Some receive guidance and wisdom and some must work for knowledge. Part of the spiritual growth in life is considered suffering among some religions. Those thoughts are manmade. We are spirits.
There is so much to understand about truth of life on earth. Being human and grasping what is beyond human understanding is always a part of our reality. There are many who are here to guide us while here on earth. We must search and research for there is more to life always than is being revealed. We all must look for what we cannot see or feel with out six senses. If there are those who live in large concrete cities, take the time to visit the woods, and watch butterflies and birds.
As an extraterrestrial unidentified flying object contactee, I recently had another death and returning experience where physical and mental bodies are concerned on earth. Some call this NDE and others OBE. Regardless, I had to learn about being alien hybrid. I think and have become aware of creation. Now, I am better about what others call the future, I am a visionary.
I am better and have a greater respect for all creatures and intelligent beings on earth, including spirits that have lost their way into the light, the tunnel, and their way thru the maze back to the creators. The God particle has both dark and light matter. We avoid the black holes but use the wormholes for travel in space.
The meaning of science and religion are only tools the same as all other subjects in the academic world of education.
Discovering through creation while all matter is formed, and grouped into various forms is part of life and death. Some spirits have not found their way to the light because they are lost. They choose to hover around what is known on earth after physical death has occurred. Energy inside all of us never ceases to exist.
Assistance for all both military and civilian of earth’s total population of the present 6.5 billion and rising is required. We shall assist by offering our energy without interfering with the younger total population of earth. We will deal with those who offer their services based on their military training and their communication training. We will ask librarians to be directors of online information for those wanting to search the Internet. We have decided to use some basic earth ways of creating, thinking, and doing.
People on earth who are considered my contacts and my readers and peers are those who are already in tune to being ascension beings. These include those who desire to work in the future Ascension Center Space Port. A spaceport as the Ascension Center is the controversy it would cause among the government and media. This would stir energy and create a need for explanation before it was time.
Military and civilian alike are tuning into our ET UFO Goodwill Ambassadors. Those who are accustomed to working in the program of the mind only know one way to think and this is called linear. We are here to assist. We are aware of the Large Hadron Collider and are going to continue assisting and observing. We choose to not interfere and are simply observing and at times communicating.
Those born after the earth year 1947 were incorporated into a new program for contact. For those who have followed their lifetime energy and focus on flying saucers and nuclear power, these beings will be more perplexed as to why they did not see the whole picture as it progressed. Some believe they are channeling information but they have their own mental filters. This is not the only way that our ET UFO friends think. They organize thoughts communicate and write the way we do on earth in some ways but in others, they are not emotional. They have worked for thousands of years to train their beings to not focus on emotions. This does not exclude the intellectual and spiritual portions of the sentient intelligent beings. They can reach their feelings but choose not too. The ones who are the leaders can explain that later.
To those colleagues of mine on earth who consider themselves in line with extra terrestrial ways of thinking pardon my dry order of forming thoughts and paragraphs with the simple gray matter and the way that the typical ordinary human minds work.
To those who are just now joining me in my communication of ET UFO information on the many levels that are required on earth and to those who have created their own following of people who desire to know and understand the future, be patient.
While desiring to assist in the overall goodwill awareness on earth of the extraterrestrials, and unidentified flying objects, which are simply spacecraft, we are also asserting ideas of creation with those of crop circles to infuse a form of creation and connection among all beings on earth.
Symbols have been a way to relate in pictographs. Contacts were chosen to spread the word. There are others more intelligent, come, and go in ET UFO flying saucers or spacecrafts. We do not understand why this simple procedure of connection is so hard for some on earth to grasp in this time on earth. This is simply a cultural art form that has been used in the past on earth. For awareness and awakening the human spirit.
Thought time in the past, many oral traditions were forgotten until there were crop circle symbols sent after the "hunters and gatherers" were divided under Abraham. This we have learned is still part of an internal strife caused in the world.
Because we choose physical or mental force, we simply check in with our chosen beings. We from time to time give a small nudge of influence in a positive direction. We allow freewill to superimpose our suggestions. We offer suggestions during the sleep portion of life on earth. There are parallel worlds and other dimensions to be explored.
This is sometimes played out in the dream portion of ones thought process while on earth. This can be found in symbols and in words used in prior history of earths tribes on earth. At present there are many whom human beings on earth of many faiths and religions create. Some of these have been misguided through time on earth.
Now is a time of revealing and the purpose is to shed as much light on this topic of communication and awareness as can be performed in one life time on earth. This time, we will hope that the man and woman we have chosen will learn to exist with the understanding that the military defense of the planet is required as well as the civilian communication of awareness is required in order to survive the future together as one.
This should be obvious with the two chosen sides of the brain one male and one female. All humans are created the same with 2 sides of existence 1 part man and 1 part woman in symbols this is displayed as 50% male and 50% female creation matter We are all paranormal and transgender or asexual in chemical energy, space, and mind. We experience much as cause and affect, and activity on earth while alive. The five levels are alpha, beta, theta, gamma, and delta in the human existence.
We have so much to explore and to capture in our own personal memories to take with us when we lave earth at some point as spirits. Personal experiences will be reviewed after leaving earth.
Concentrate on healing the separations of all beings on earth while creating a future in space. There is knowledge in the future in the form of wormhole travel to other galaxies. Remember we have guides and guardians above who have allowed us our freedom of will and freedom to choose in our own minds. Nothing or no one can take away our freedom of our mental body from our mind.
Even when in bondage in prison, there is no reason to panic or live in fear. Conquer the mind that is part of the mental body housed in the physical body while on earth. Enlightenment comes from within the spirit of compassion and wisdom.
We are alive on earth to learn from our experiences and to gather our experiences to create memories to use in our next lives back either on earth or in space. Many mansions hath our creators in Heaven and space. Stretch your mind around that which has been not proved in the past. Each of us is required to have sensations and is exposed to others who are like us.
Do the right thing and discover your part while here on earth. There have been evil beings who were misguided souls while here on earth. They will return for the lessons not learned in this lifetime. There are many things that are seemingly mystical, and magical. There is a reason for this practice of the human mind.
Other worlds will vary the lessons not learned on earth. The creators will simply return many to earth. Some believe in religions and they are all one part of the whole.
We all manifest light and dark or some call this good and evil. Regardless, there is a dichotomy and we must all do out part to create the best in compassion and wisdom while here on earth. We are here to be a part of the best and the creation for the future of all human intelligent beings who visit this planet. Those who do not participate in the creation and manifestation process for good will is dealt with in a way that most will not want to endure after leaving earth. This requires change after watching our life played our before our eyes while on earth. Then there is a consensus taken by higher intelligent beings.
Psychic Readings & Advice by Phone
Sunday, April 13, 2008
ठेरेसा जे. ठुर्मोंद Morris

Awakening the spiritual you maybe happening at this time on earth. There was always a reason given and a purpose for life on earth. We all have to awaken and realize that not only do we have a spirit that exist and will leave when we do our die as in "death" on earth. We also must realize that there is a lot of living to do and part of this living while we create our "Dash" on earth is that what we do in-between our earth beginning, our date of birth and our end, date of death, is what we create with our own free will.
This has to do with realizing alien UFOs are us and that the Mark of Cain meant something. "Am I my brother's keeper?" Who did Cain take as a wife and where did she come from? The Mark of Cain was not the change in skin color as many CHRISTIANS are lead to believe. The first death on earth occurred when Cain killed his brother Abel. The Cain and Abel story can be found in the Bible although most of the HISTORY has been left out. Didn't you ever wonder why? I did. So, I asked GOD. I got the answer. The stone was what Cain used and he had no idea about death. Death was not in his vocabulary. The Abel that I know cried out to GOD. How do you think that GOD found out about Cain and what he did. At the time, he was doing the GOD thing and didn't realize he had to baby-sit his children on earth at the time. GOD has been here prior but you may realize that GOD has other universes to attend too, and other matters.
God is the word we use on earth to describe the power of all that is and all that will be. God is the word that one race of people called the JEWS began recording their history on earth. There may have been other races on earth such as the MUSLIMS. There may have been other races such as the ARIANS. The Book of Jubilees is not the only record that was kept prior to the BIBLE. There was history prior to the BIBLE. There was HISTORY prior to this EARTH. There was HISTORY of BEINGS prior to this GALAXY. Some of us have lived before and some of us have returned based on assignment given by GOD.
The GOD and GODDESS that I know about are who I consider my parents above this universe. They live so far out of this universe that it takes more than light years to cross from one universe to another therefore the use of wormholes were created. One might find that worm holes and black holes are useful. Those of you that are into that level of interests may want to go back in some of my writings in physics and see where I explained that black holes are the windows to the universe. That was quoted in other places and websites.
The reason was that it was such a profound statement that it stood out among scholars. Also, I began years prior let's say the 1960's around my NASA days, when I began speaking of stellar travel and wormholes to my husband and his NASA engineer friends. That is also on record here and there in print. One can find these morsels or treasures if one is in the know and has the desire to be persistent in searching. That is why the new Internet Highway is so great as is the world wide web. I once in the 90's filed the assumed name in Honolulu, Hawaii as the World Information Network (WIN) and was told that I was too soon, that I had to wait until Windows 95 was presented to the world that I was too early. There were some calls to me on landlines and letters written to me before the Internet but some people were using fax machines back then. The reason that I mention the past on earth within this time range is that this was before the turn of the century and I was here. But, I have also been around other turn of the centuries. I believe this because my God has shared this information with me.
I have experienced death and dying before. I have experienced this before this life, and I have experiences in this lifetime. I had to learn the difference in conscious and unconscious at an early age and we are talking the second and third grade of school. My records on earth can prove this. I also had all my blood taken out of my body and cleaned and put back again with a machine in 1958 although the machine had to be sent for as there was not one in my town. I learned a lesson that life was short and that their were higher intelligent beings that could assist those who were conscious of them and our mission on earth. My conscious and unconscious was where I learned to store some memories while on earth. After dying with Hepatitis and coming back due to the transfusion, some people say I simply had a near death experience. The catholic hospital that I was in at the time had a priest and sisters visit me. They were not sure that this was a miracle at a time and didn't know whether they could record this about me. I remember very well which people were in my reality and which ones were spirits not on earth. This is when I began understanding the difference between those beings on earth, those from afar that were simply holograms, and those who were able to come and go as aliens in UFOS.
It took me a full six months before I could actually walk that summer and eat and take care of myself. It was a long process. I used to pass out from being anemic during that summer and told no one. The reason I told no one is that when I got better, I was promised a vacation to Carlsbad Caverns with my Grandmother, Uncle, and Aunt. When I went to White Sands, New Mexico, I saw my first real alien UFO. I also got to meet others who were again different from those on earth, those as spirits or angels, and I knew that these were like the aliens that others talked about in flying saucers. But, I learned that they were simply beings and intelligent beings as a species. I learned about the many levels or what I now know is a Hierarchy. I learned that there were those who really assisted us in awareness, communication, and education called knowledge. I learned that we could all get along better with each other regardless of color and size. This was important to me as I had overheard our housekeeper, Alice Taylor, speak of her family and being poor and how being black was not the same as me being white. That always bothered me when we went shopping and she could not drink out of the same water fountain. I made a scene in A & P once because Alice was thirsty and the black water fountain was not working only the white water fountain worked. I made such a scene that the Manager came over and asked my mother to leave. So, I learned about standing up for what was not right in the world.
Alice Taylor was an important teacher to me because she was like our mother, when our earth mother worked. Alice taught me that she was a different color than me because of what Cain did to Abel. I listened to the story and believed with all my hear and might that everything she said was the gospel truth. She was the one who was raising me besides my family and grandmother and during the summer, she spent time with me because she read the Bible every day. She prayed for us "chillens" and that we were of the Lord. I of course went to church like all white Anglo Saxon southern children did. I learned in Bible school all about the Bible and God. I would talk about seeing angels and how they were my friends. No one ever questioned this and many of my Sunday School teachers would let me tell my story about Hepatitis and seeing angels in the Baptist Sunday School classes. I got to be heard and that was when I realized that many of my friends did not have these type of experiences. I wanted to also share my experiences in White Sands, New Mexico but, I had already been warned by my Grandmother not to talk about aliens, and UFOs, and my trip to my Uncle's as he worked at Los Alamos and that was a secret.
I decided at nine years old to be a writer because I asked my school teacher how I could help others. We had written out letter to the president of the United States and the making a difference on earth was taught to me in many ways. I was learning from many different people or beings on many different levels how to be me, and how to be a good influence with others and on earth.
Now, you may be asking why a fifty-six year old, white haired woman would bother to share her experiences at the age of nine. I actually had my first experience with aliens and UFOS at the age of four. I know the time because my sister Brenda had been born and was about six months old. I am three and a half years older than she. During my life, the time and place I lived was never important and was never explained to me why I lied a certain way or why I lied a certain place. But, my mind recorded the incidents and I can see the visions of where I was and now, I know that these visions were benchmarks of my dash.
All the automobiles had dash boards. I realized at an early age that I was simply looking out my dash board. I was looking out of my vessel like an automobile that travels. I learned that cars were an important part of my life. I learned that the alien UFOS were like cars. The UFOS could take people places that cars could not. How else would a nine year old feel about aliens and UFOS at that time on earth? I learned that the secret UFOS were special and that only my uncle and people very far away got to use these UFOS. They were for the people who could come and go in my life as television pictures and visions in my head.
I like TV and I liked cars. I figured that the beings and the UFOS must be in the Bible because that is where Alice always got all her knowledge. I wanted to read the Bible. The Bible was a real thick book and had big words that I could read but I could not understand. My mother got me many books on the Bible stories with pictures. I learned about the Tower of Babel, and many other wonderful stories of the past history on earth. I learned that books were my friends. We moved more than twice in my young life. Two times were across the street from a library and I could walk. How is that for a universal alignment. I was so happy and my mother loved to read and always had many books. I learned about other books besides the Bible and my School Books. This was a great time in my life.
I read every book I could on every subject. I would exhaust the librarians.
I had a great life with many ups and downs and when I became a woman, I had three daughters with what was called the Lamaze natural birth technique. I had a fourth daughter caesarean because I had placenta previa and lost almost all the blood in my body. I had died again, and the experience was enlightening to say the least. I spent many days in intensive care unit coming and going from my body. My mother sat with me for three days before she was asked if she wanted to go view the baby. I was so ill my mother forgot that she had a new granddaughter.
My mother had stopped going to church and began sharing her ideas about religions were manmade. I listened because I had left my body again and I saw a bright light but there were people talking and what many would describe as Angels on the other side of what I knew to be reality on earth. I never smoke or drank or put things in my body that would hurt my dashboard. I did learn to drink coffee and eat chocolate but, that was all that I was told could hurt me and that was the caffeine in these things. I was an American and we like our coffee and chocolate. I learned that people who hurt their body would hurt their health. I would ask god about that and I would get an answer back.
I learned that when I died that it seemed to make the voice of God closer and easier to hear. I soon realized that death was considered seeing the light and that other people were writing books about their experiences. I was asked to write a book about my own experiences. I never did. I felt that I was not ready to write a book and was too busy. There was always this feeling eating at me. I had said I would be a writer in the third and fourth grade and made a little story book with my face and my best friend's Karen Bryan on the front. I still have that in my baby book that is also fifty-six years.
My life story has not been written yet with all my experiences of life, dying, near death experiences, aliens, angels, UFOS, and my spiritual experiences. I figured everyone had a dashboard the same as I and each person had what is called freewill. I made a deal with GOD the last time I died. I am not telling what I agreed to because it is a secret. But, I will tell you that it had something to do with awakening the spirit in everyone besides me. Also, my secret mission on earth has something to do with intelligent beings and their spacecraft not of earth origin or alien UFOS as they are better known.
I will tell you that part of my calling on earth has to do with raising awareness, consciousness, and education levels and I call this ACE. I can tell you that I have been guided or taught to work with higher supreme beings and the allied council who governs earth and that they have shown me the Ascension Center Estate (ACE) and a space port for where spacecraft. This all has to do with awakening the spiritual you, alien UFOS, and the Mark of Cain. God did not kill Cain and he will not kill us. There is a lot more to this story that is now being written on earth for our progeny to find after we are gone. If you want to know more please join our new nonprofit organization called ACE Folklife nonprofit which is set up in The United States as a literary faith based organization. Basically we encourage awareness, communication, and education through spiritual periodicals, trade books, spoken audio, magazines, and music. Note that I did not say religious but spiritual. Big difference between religious and spiritual. I am about God, the creator, spirit, and the essence of our lives and that which looks out over the dashboard between life and the death experience on earth. Will you join me in learning about our future?
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